check("blog"); ?> Dreaming Emotion: April 2008

Monday, April 28, 2008

Goooo US dollar!

Let's track the US Dollar's gains on the Yen, shall we?

3 day chart of Dollar vs. Yen

3 month chart
3 month chart of Dollar vs. Yen

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Friday, April 25, 2008


Things aren't really working out the way I planned.  That isn't necessarily a bad thing, however, I'm curious as to what role these events (within the past two weeks) have to play in the latest chapter of my life.

That being said, I'm glad Feb and March are over.  What a nightmare!  April was a little better.  Hoping May will be brighter...

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So I've downloaded the Japanese lessons.  Now I just need my ipod back so I can listen to them!!!  It's gonna be pointless if I wait until a week before...

The plan is to listen to them while I sleep so it gets ingrained in my head.  I guess it's learning by osmosis, but not.

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Sunday, April 20, 2008


However, there is one bright spot in my life right now. But, it shouldn't be...


I can't wait...

I can't wait until I go to Japan. It feels like the people close to me (well, most) here are trying to push me away, and I'm almost glad to grant them their wish...


Monday, April 14, 2008

Everyday I'm Hustlin'

According to this forum I frequent, Target had marked down the Magellan Maestro 3100 GPS down to $74.98, which is super cheap for a brand name receiver.  I check prices on the internet, and they ranged from $150-$250  So I drive down to the local target, and find them in the automotive section.  The posted price was $127.98.  I get someone to open the case so I can scan it, and the price that comes up turns out to be $74.98.  So, I take two, and end up selling one on eBay for $133.

The GPS is pretty decent for my needs, and apparently it's hackable.  Hopefully, I can put a map of Japan (Tokyo specifically) on it.  The "Everyday I'm Hustlin' title is quoted from my friend Jason who said that when I told him this story.  

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Another place to go to...

Harajuku Quest Building
1-13-14 Jingumae

to buy this bento box:

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bleh part 2

With recent news of American Airlines canceling flights, I can't help but worry if my flight to Tokyo will be cancelled. I'm not sure if they're grounding the international flights, but I wouldn't be surprised if they did. I hope not. I need to get away from this country and every fucking person in it (with the exception of a very very very select few). Aarrgh!!!

Hopefully I'll see some cute girls in Japan., however, after looking at, I'm not too optimistic. =P

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I think I've found my new favorite comic series.  Some of the comics this guy makes are hilarious, however, others  make me think he may be a little crazy...

Here are a couple of gems from the archives:

communism lasers don't just stop

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IMG_4678, originally uploaded by projectalpha.

I miss talking to her...


Friday, April 11, 2008

Way to go Warriors

I spend almost $300 on tickets for your game vs. the Nuggets, and you give me 12 minutes of play.  What part of stop shooting 3's when they go to zone and drive the ball do you not understand!  


Monday, April 7, 2008

Stuff I need to buy for the trip...

map of tokyo (english)
rail pass

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Some new places to visit

-Comme Des Garcons
-Costume National
-Dover Street Market

Tokyo Midtown Project (Roppongi)

Tokyo Tower (maybe)

Toyosu (maybe)

Daikanyama (maybe)

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Saturday, April 5, 2008

盧巧音 - 好心分手 feat. 王力宏

Story of my (recent) life...

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Friday, April 4, 2008

Goooo Lakers?

I'm not a Lakers fan, but in order to keep the Warriors in the playoff race, the Lakers had to beat Dallas today, so naturally, I was rooting for them.  Here is a sample chat log where I set the record straight with my friend (a Lakers fan) on my stance during the game:

<kobe makes a 2 and is fouled>

friend: yessior!

friend: kobe

friend: cold as ice!

me: haha

friend: he dont miss these

friend: he lives for this!

friend: woo

<kobe hits the free throw, putting the Lakers up by 4>

me: two possessions bitch!

friend: there we go

friend: good to have pau back

friend: damn

friend: bynum should be back soon

friend: and hopefully ariza too

friend: lakers are gonna be DEEEEEP

me: who cares, Lakers are dead to me after this game

friend: hahahah

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An initial list of stores to visit...

Uniqlo UT
Burberry black label
Dior Homme
World Style (maybe?)

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Going to Japan...

Goin to Japan for the first time. Booked the hotel and flight today. Can't wait to see all the lights. Staying in Shibuya at the Shibuya Excel Tokyu right in front of Shibuya crossing. Shibuya! Apparently when traveling from the U.S. to Japan, if your stay is less than 90 days, you don't need a visa.

So once I get to Narita, I'm pretty much set on taking the Airport Limousine to the hotel unless I find a better method of transportation. Gotta figure out what I'm gonna do once I get there.

So far, plans are to go to:
Shibuya (of course)
-Jingumae (for work)
Akihabara for good 'ol Japanese electronics

hmmmm....maybe I should learn a little Japanese. I also hear that not many places take cards, so I guess I'll have to bring cash.

As far as night life, I have no idea where to even start. Gotta figure that out as well. bleh.

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