check("blog"); ?> Dreaming Emotion: Interesting...

Sunday, June 15, 2008


Where do I start...

Well, let's start by saying, I guess I'm not the only person who thinks I'm going crazy. Mr. Frank said he's noticed that I've been acting different lately. Dunno what's going on with me!

So friday the 13th was an odd day. I guess it started when we were on the way to the ballgame and I saw her at BART, which was completely unexpected. I actually thought that I might see her, but then I looked at my watch, and saw it was a little early. WHEW! So I'm going through the stall, and there she is. That kinda fucked things up for the rest of the day. From then on, my mood was weird, timing was weird, etc... So we arrive at the game, eat some grub in the suite, and try to have a good time. It was pretty cold that night. Good thing I decided to bring a jacket. So no sooner than the second inning, the Giants do a straight steal home. WTF? LIterally, the guy was like 15 ft from 3rd, and just ran home. I've never seen that outside of the movies. Then, Jack "stone hands" Cust, was making some crazy plays, and he looked like a gold glover. My brother even turned to me and said "what's going on with Cust?". Then, with two outs at the bottom of the ninth, Street was about to pitch, and then the sprinklers came on. It was one of the oddest things I've ever seen. So to cap it off, A's won. Greg Smith walked six, but only gave up one run. Afterwards, I went over to Dennis' and played mafia for a couple of hours. That was kinda odd too. I think I met Frank's norcal Chinese twin. ha.

Well, that was my weird day. I half expected a full moon to be out...

I hate life.

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