check("blog"); ?> Dreaming Emotion: Life is terrible

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Life is terrible

Life sucks. I'm sinking farther and farther. I'm hoping this trip to HK helps alleviate things, or I'll need some massive help. It sucks like last year around this time sucked. The difference is I still have some optimism, and thing will look up. I don't know when that will be though.

Hatred and anger swell up inside me. My patience with everything grows thin, as well as my care for anything. I'm stressed out, and I feel caged. I want to destroy something. Nothing works anymore. Venting has no effect, the gym doesn't help. I can't stand some people. I can't stand life.

Tension at home. Uncertainty and turmoil at work. One failed relationship after another (friend and more-than-friend alike). Every aspect of my life is in flames. FML.

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