check("blog"); ?> Dreaming Emotion: Bennie K

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Bennie K

bennie k
So I was talking to Annie, and we somehow got into the conversation about how I feel I'm changing (in terms of my attitudes, cares, etc...). It was a long conversation and I was basically trying to tell her that she needs to do what she wants, and be happy with herself, before she jumps into a relationship. So I was kind of explaining my moods, mannerisms, and such, and typing it out made me realize that I am changing for the better. Granted, life still sucks, but I like where things are headed.

Which brings me to the subject of this entry. Bennie K. Gosh I love them, haha. Anyhow, the songs I've been listening to the most are their songs. One of them is モノクローム (which I've written about), and the other is Dreamland. These two songs reflect how I feel probably 90% off the time. One song is depressing, talking about a monochrome life, and wanting to break out and get away. The other one is upbeat, happy, and fun. I listen to both of these songs about evenly, so I guess I can say I'm feeling upbeat and happy about half the time, and depressed and monochrome the other half. Where would I be if Rika hadn't introduced me to Bennie K? And Rika wouldn't have introduced me to them if I hadn't gone to Japan. And I wouldn't have gone to Japan if I were still seeing h. Also, if I were still seeing h, I wouldn't be making these positive strides towards a better me. Interesting how things work out...


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